Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

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Worship Schedule

SUNDAY-Adult Bible Study  8:00am

Worship Service 9:00am

Sunday School 10:15am

Sr. LYF- 2nd Sunday of  the month-10:15am

THURSDAY- Adult Bible Study 10:00am

Communion 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday




  Pastor Mike

 Pastor Michael Boothby

Church Phone: 712-278-2324

Pastor’s email:

Secretary email:

St. Paul’s website:

Pastor’s Twitter Account: @pastorboothby



First S. after Christmas-December 31, 2017


Divine Service    


Sunday School



Jeanna Negaard


Clayton Gradert & Gillian Rens


Ken & Mary Van Wyhe, Terry & Mary Van Wyhe

Elder of the Month: 

Lyle Ten Napel & Mark Wells

Altar Guild:

Gloria Ping, Denice Ping, Brenda Koopmans







Next Sunday:

8:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

  8:00 a.m.

   9:00 a.m

10:15 a.m.

Adult Bible Study

Divine Service w/Communion

Church Office Closed

Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study

Divine Service w/Communion/Installation

Sunday School


In Our Prayers: 

From our congregation: Phyllis Winterfeld,  Isabella Mares, Ray Moeller, JoAnn Winterfeld, Lois Torwelle, Bonnie Vlotho, La Vonne Vander Hamm

Other requests:  Jesse (Sonichsen) West, Shirley Cain (brain tumor), Kathy Huitink, Dolan Grashoff, Dean Lill

Servicemen: 1SG. Mike Shannon, TSgt. Jesse Richardson, CPL Aaron Hoogland

Missionaries: Shaun Daugherty: Missionaries in China, Rev. Henry Witte: Missionary to Hispanics


WORSHIP SERVICE: You may follow the worship service today on the TV screens or in your hymnal on page 151. Readings and hymn numbers are in the bulletin insert.

NO SUNDAY SCHOOL: There will not be Sunday School today. It will resume next Sunday, January 7at 10:15am.

CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED: The church office will closed tomorrow for New Year’s Day.

POINETTIAS: If you donated a poinsettia, you may take it (them) home with you today.

CARING TREE: Thank you to everyone that donated for the Caring Tree to the Ireton Christian-Kids of the Kingdom Preschool, West Sioux Elementary-Ireton Center and the Daycare.

2018 OFFERING ENVELOPES: Those that signed up for 2018 offering envelopes can find them in your church mailboxes.

2018 GREETER’S & PRAYER CIRCLE LISTS: The 2018 greeter & prayer circle lists can be found in your church mailboxes. If you cannot serve the Sunday you have been designated, please switch with someone and let the church office know. Make sure to discard your 2017 prayer circle lists at the end of 2017 as the list has changed.

INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS: The installation of our 2018 officers will be next Sunday, January 7 during our worship service.

COMMUNING AT ST. PAUL’S: St. Paul's Lutheran Church holds to a confession of faith shared by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. We believe that the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is truly in, with, and under the bread and wine in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Communing at our altar serves also as a public confession of agreement with the doctrines of the LCMS. If you have not yet been instructed, are in doubt, or hold a confession differing from that of this congregation and the LCMS, please speak to Pastor Mike before communing.

READ THROUGH THE BIBLE: There are copies of a schedule in the Narthex to read through the Bible in One Year.

STEWARDSHIP QUOTE: Luke 2:39 “And when they had performed everything according to the Law of the Lord. . .” The Law of God is good. Of course, it always shows us our sins: but that is good, too! We need to be driven back to the forgiveness of Christ. But the Law also shows us the truly blessed way to live – as Mary and Joseph found their joy in a godly life, so should we see the Law as a guide for Christian living, as the roadmap for saying thank you to the Lord for all His grace and mercy to us.

BUILDING HEALTHY FAMILIES: Did You Know: It’s not too late! Your partnership in LFS’ life ministry of pregnancy counseling and adoption, as well as marriage, family and mental health counseling for families and all pro-family, pro-marriage and pro-life efforts throughout Iowa is still needed - and still possible! Make a gift online TODAY, or any time before midnight TONIGHT and your gift will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $1000)! It’s easy to make a secure gift online through the LFS web site at<>. Look for the red button and the words “Today’s the Last Day”. Clicking that link will take you to the secure donation page. Thank you for your partnership all year, and especially today as we wrap up 2017 and look forward to what the New Year holds. From your brothers and sisters in Christ at LFS, a Blessed and Happy New Year! Lutheran Family Service-


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It always astounds me how quickly our society moves on from Christmastime. On December 26th, the radio stations who have played Christmas music since Thanksgiving suddenly revert to their normal programming, the stores price all the Christmas decorations for quick sale, and the presents have all been opened. When December 26th comes, we know that Christmas Day is over and it's time to return to reality. But I want you to know that December 25th is not the final day of the Christmas season. It's actually the first day of this joyous season on our Church Calendar.

I'm sure you've heard of “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. For the most part, the Twelve Days of Christmas is familiar because of the famous Christmas Carol that lists the numerically increasing gifts from the singer's “true love” What many people don't realize is that the Twelve Days of Christmas is a distinction that the Church gives to Christmas Day and the eleven days that follow it. The Christmas season actually ends on December 6th when we celebrate the Epiphany.

Christians have an opportunity to take these twelve days to continue to revel in the joy, peace and excitement that is Christ's birth. Perhaps our loved ones have returned to their homes and jobs in other parts of the world, maybe the cookies and Christmas treats are all eaten up, but you can still celebrate and remember the Christ Child's birth. With the commercialization of Christmas, we are told that this beloved season is about the presents, the parties, the food, and the decorations. While these are certainly joyful aspects of this celebration, we can still be joyful and glad without them.

As this Christmas season goes on for a few more days, I invite you to continue to celebrate and be glad in knowing that your Savior was born to Mary, and through Him your salvation is assured.

Merry Christmas!

                                                                      Pastor Mike





Church Calendar